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MACS began 1984 •WIHS began 1993 •MWCCS began 2019  
HIV Outcomes • Early HIV MedicineCancer • Early HIV Medicine • HIV PathogenesisAging and Multimorbidity • Diabetes and Adiposity • Mental Health and Stigma • Cardiovascular • Liver • HIV Outcomes • Social Determinants of Health/Health Disparaties Mental Health and Stigma • Aging and Multimorbidity • Cardiovascular • Liver • Sex Hormones and Bone HealthAging and Multimorbidity • Sex Hormones and Bone Health • Cancer • Diabetes and Adiposity • Pulmonary
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Psychosocial aspects of AIDS risk

Psychopharmacol Bull 1986

Ostrow, D.G., Joseph, J., Monjan, A., Kessler, R., Emmons, C., Phair, J., Fox, R., Kingsley, L., Dudley, J., Chmiel, J.S. and Van Raden, M.

The Women’s Interagency HIV Study. WIHS Collaborative Study Group

Epidemiology 1998

Barkan, S. E., Melnick, S. L., Preston-Martin, S., Weber, K., Kalish, L. A., Miotti, P., Young, M., Greenblatt, R., Sacks, H., Feldman, J. and Grp, WIHS Collaborative Study

Characteristics Of The MACS-WIHS Combined Cohort Study: Opportunities For Research On Aging With Hiv In The...

Am J Epidemiol, 2021

Gypsyamber D'Souza, Fiona Bhondoekhan, Lorie Benning, Joseph B Margolick, Adebola A Adedimeji, Adaora A Adimora, Maria L Alcaide, Mardge H Cohen, Roger Detels, M Reuel Friedman, Susan Holman, Deborah J Konkle-Parker, Daniel Merenstein, Igho Ofotokun, Frank Palella, Sean Altekruse, Todd T Brown, Phyllis C Tien

The Changing Science of HIV Epidemiology in the United States

Am J Epidemiol 2019

Gypsyamber D'Souza, Elizabeth T Golub, Stephen J Gange

The Women’s Interagency HIV Study: an Observational Cohort Brings Clinical Sciences to the Bench

Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 2005

Bacon, M. C., von Wyl, V., Alden, C., Sharp, G., Robison, E., Hessol, N., Gange, S., Barranday, Y., Holman, S., Weber, K. and Young, M. A.

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