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Department of Epidemiology
Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health

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  • Diamond Graph

    This page provides the S-plus codes to reproduce the figures published in The American Statstician paper in 2003; 57:193-199. In the paper we introduced a novel approach for depicting three dimensional data on two dimensions...

  • Generalized Gamma

    This page provides the SAS, S-Plus, and Stata software (code) along with the full dataset to reproduce analyses presented in Table 2 and each of the figures from the paper "Parametric Survival Analysis and Taxonomy of Hazard Functions for the Generalized Gamma Distribution" by Cox, Chu, Schneider, and Muņoz published in Statistics in Medicine 2007; 26:4352-4374.

  • GLIMMIX Procedure (Generalized Linear Mixed Models: GEE or Random Effects?)

    This page provides a discussion with programs and examples from SAS and Stata of generalized linear mixed models. These are generalized linear models such as logistic or Poisson regression models with random effects to account for repeated measurements in longitudinal data. Estimation is by maximum likelihood with the marginal likelihood computed by numerical integration.

  • Splus Graph Samples

    This page provides Splus graphs with links to the code used to create the graphs. Not all graphs will be able to be replicated without access to the original data, but the program code may be used to create similar graphs using other data.


This page was last updated January 2013